Thursday, 11 December 2014

20 years of Publishing Experience and Flying Pigs

I've done it! I've jumped off the cliff!
The number of people I've met recently who have written books, magazine articles, poems and journals which they can't publish because they don't know how to has pushed me over the edge.
I also feel very edgy when someone says, 'Oh, my mum wrote books, they were in a box under her bed. We threw them away when she died.'
That kind of thing causes me to want to tear my hair out in frustrated desperation - why? 

Because I believe with all my heart that these words should be read by readers, not kept in boxes, on old cast-away hard drives, in dusty laptops and thumb drives hidden away in mouldy handbags in an attic or garage.
The families of writers usually do not know that the copyright or IP of any written works, art works or photographs inherited by them upon the death of their parent or grand parent is their property and that copyright will last for 50-70 years after the death of the creator of that work. 
That means there is plenty of time to publish the work and earn from sales of that work.

My goal in future is to share the 20 years of publishing knowledge I have with as many writers and their families as I can. 

So that books which would never otherwise be published can be put in front of readers as ebooks, as print books, and the writers can be celebrated for the talent they had - of being able to put one word after another in a coherent stream. 
To help I have a new website which is going to be built in a gorgeous Wordpress style by Jocelyn Mozak 
The new site is at

There I will blog about how to publish your book and how to integrate Social Media so you can have a marketing program for your book that will outstrip any marketing plan that a legacy publisher might have for any but the biggest bock-buster novels.
My new QP blog will feature all the books on this site and a fully featured shopping cart so you can buy our books direct from the authors.
We will offer signed digital books and signed hard copy books too.
I have people ready to format books, make covers and edit new writing. All the online retailers are waiting to sell your book. 

In 2015 I also have this goal of being more organised. 
No doubt you heard that pigs are flying this Christmas season? No?
I've got flying pigs all about the place - they eat the cat food.  

Contact me if you are interested in what we can do for your unpublished book, or the book that grandpa was working on up until he died. 
I can also help you escape the huge scam that is Author Solutions. 
Let's have some fun publishing wonderful words.

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