Hello everyone, we proudly announce the launch of our Kiwi Liaison book bundle.
Catherine and her friends - what lovely looking people they are too - shot the cover, modelled for it and also made the cover design for us.
PJ made it into a steamy 3D hot pool experience.
AJ is the worker in the engine room, he does as he is told so you don't need to know what he did. Shovelled some coal, most likely.
Mistress Z - A compilation new work and poems from published
collections Restraint and Absence.
Catherine and her friends - what lovely looking people they are too - shot the cover, modelled for it and also made the cover design for us.
PJ made it into a steamy 3D hot pool experience.
AJ is the worker in the engine room, he does as he is told so you don't need to know what he did. Shovelled some coal, most likely.
Amazon Kiwi Liaison
Librio Kiwi Liaison
Google Play Kiwi Liaison
Kobo Kiwi Liaison
Nook Kiwi Liaison
Below is a list of the books we included in our book bundle for your
enjoyment complete with cover art and blurbs.
“Restraint sends wave after wave of unrushed, sensual ideas and
images over the reader, who is transported into a realm of deep sensuality,
passion and desire.” Jess C Scott, Author
“A breathtakingly eloquent collection of verses and prose. They take
the mind and the body to magical and vulnerable places that only few can get to
on their own. A truly seductive read for one, but best shared with two.” -Ms. Quote, author and blogger
Angel - Detective Bull Protettore seeks Angel, missing; believed to be
in the company of a secretive bi-sexual Dominatrix. Discover how Angel is the clue which leads Bull and his partner Tommy
to the serial killer who is terrorizing NYC. Bull and Tommy are in a race against time to unravel the twisted ropes
of the truth to exact justice and revenge.
“I truly enjoyed reading this book mainly because the
characters weren't perfect. They all had their own little quirks and issues
that made them seem so real. It actually felt like they could walk off the page
and shake your hand. I would definitely recommend this book to my friends.” Amazon 5* Review
Dawn and Stuart,
each running away from the past meet in the Bay of Islands, a NZ tropical beach
paradise. They flirt but the past keeps them apart until Stuart uses his shaman
skills to bring them together. Or was it the way Dawn uses the avocados from
the tree growing beside the house which broke the ice?
“This book
contains some of the most well written, sexy smut I've ever read, the
characters and the story can stand on their own. I absolutely love this book,
and whilst I rarely openly profess to enjoy such saucy literature, I regularly
find myself recommending this book to friends. It's moving, emotionally and
sexually. Enjoy!” Amazon 5* review
“So many genres collide here to extreme effect. Romance,
erotica, family, culture, place and more. It makes for an intensely human book.
The characters don't arrive, they feel like they have been there forever. If
you don't know your cultures, Kiwi, Aussie, Indian, Rastafarian, this will
encourage you too read about them. The sex scenes are tender &
endearing,and no I'm not going to tell you about the avocado. I admire the way
the author gets into the skin of her characters, really making them flesh with
a combination of reality and myth. This is educated erotica, superb.” Amazon 5* review
The Finest Line
When potential
Olympic gymnast, Mairead Kavanagh wakes up in an Australian hospital after a
drug and alcohol binge, her ordeal has only begun. The police are waiting to
interview her over the death of her friend Joshua Mason who has plunged to his
death from the balcony on which she was found.
Frightened and
a long way from her home in New Zealand, she has no one to turn to until the
arrival of the one man who has intimidated and infatuated her more than any
James Vaughn has been her chauffeur and body guard for five years and the only person who has been able to subdue her. An ex soldier of the British Army, James is composed and disciplined, unlike his boss’s daughter who seeks constant excitement which sometimes can prove dangerous.
James Vaughn has been her chauffeur and body guard for five years and the only person who has been able to subdue her. An ex soldier of the British Army, James is composed and disciplined, unlike his boss’s daughter who seeks constant excitement which sometimes can prove dangerous.
together until he can get her home, the barriers of their relationship begin to
break down. Mairead fears her attraction to him stems from the strange desires
that she has fought to suppress. As their relationship blooms, her happiness is
short lived because of another man who knows a terrible secret about Mairead.
Now she must choose between the two men, one whom she loves and the other who
can destroy her life.
“The Finest
Line by Catherine Taylor is the first in a truly excellent and authentic
trilogy exploring myriad facets of domination, discipline and masochism while
never departing from a heart-warming and deepening love story.”- Kindle Book Review
“I really
enjoyed this book. It was very interesting and kept drawing me back to it every
time I put it down. The writer does a wonderful job with the characters, you
fall in love with them and hate them too. Very well written. Highly recommend
this book to anyone wanting a romance with a little spanking twist!!” Kindle Book Review
About the Authors
PJ Bayliss has been writing poetry within his personal memoirs for many
years, but has only recently turned his attention towards creative writing.
Following the success of his Kindle poetry books he plans to publish two poetry
books in print editions before he releases a series of romance novels under
series title "Chemical Romance" in early 2015. @PJBaylissAuthor on Twitter
Catherine Taylor has
a passion for the art of telling a good story, whether it be in film or book.
Her life has revolved around theatre and movies, through acting, production and
scripting for both. Much of her life has been devoted to social work, but she has
pursued other ventures, including a business in Gothic merchandise. These days
she prefers to spend her days writing and spending time with her husband of
thirty years, their four children and two grandchildren. @NZEroticAuthor on
A J Burton is a
retired policeman, harness horse trainer, gibstopper and small block farmer.
"I have loved reading since I can remember. I have owned horses, dogs, and
cats since I was twelve years old. I enjoyed the bush, surfing, snorkeling,
rugby, and judo and now in my retirement I enjoy fishing on the family boat. I
am married with four boys and one gorgeous grand-daughter." Follow
@bullburton on Twitter
Christine Leov
Lealand is a keen 'prepper' and ‘burner’ (Burning Man) loves the outdoors, is a
blue water sailor, historian, belly dancer, adventurer and lifelong reader. At
five years old she decided she had to be a writer. Christine is CEO of
Quintessence Publications and finds it takes up all of her time. Too frequently
she has to stop editing, writing and book cover buying to hurriedly feed her
husband, Zulu the cat and three fat chickens. @loveleov on Twitter

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