A little while ago I discovered a new start-up that call themselves HummingbirdDM.
- They have created a customisable retail outlet for anyone to sign up for.
It is an eBook and audio book store which supplies content from all the big publishers like Penguin, Simon and Schuster etc, all the best-sellers in digital format delivered by a free app to your device.
- The store owner: you, will earn money from the sales of books via your store.
The front page is customizable by you, the store owner or you can ask the friendly guys at Hummingbird to assist you. Hummingbird provide regularly updated streams of best-sellers which you can use for your default front page, or you can select the genera you like: Romance, mystery, non-fiction, westerns... the choice is endless.
- They also offer the opportunity for writers and authors and the creators of audio books to upload their works to the retail database and have an opportunity to sell to readers, also.
I decided to join them as I like the idea of earning money from selling books and also I like to be able to expand the markets and retail outlets of my own books.
You get a good chunk of the retail price when books sell via your store. Their contract is written in clear language and appears to contain no 'gotcha' clauses so I can recommend them for that reason alone.
- How do I get paid?
If you are in a country outside the USA (like me) You may like to try Payoneer as your bank account to receive your income. This link will earn us both money and get you signed up to the best way of receiving overseas funds I have yet to discover.
Check this opportunity out, I think you may find it exciting.
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